Saturday, October 22, 2005

dirty old man...or...a good time was had by all, part deux

one day charlotte and i will be old. i imagine us having a big party on our 50th anniversary. this seems entirely possible to me as i will be only 71, and she 73. at said party, i'm going to sing her a song while others are eating their barbeque. this song is one of my absolute favorite songs sinatra put out. i speak with some authority, as i own about 70 of his albums. the lyrics still make me laugh, and i love it because it is the quintessential sinatra attitude put to music. i've included the lyrics for your viewing pleasure. don't look for an invitation to the party too soon, they won't go out for a while.


My thoughts may stray
My eyes may roam
The neighbor's grass may seem much greener
Than the grass right here at home

If pretty girls excite me
Well, that's life
But just in case, you didn't know
I love my wife

My mind at times
May dwell on sex
If someone's rating dreams
Then most of mine I guess are double X

So dimpled knees delight me
Well, that's life
But just in case, you hadn't heard
I love my wife

Like bait that wriggles
And it makes catfish bite
A lady jiggles
And my eyes gotta light
Upon so sweet a sight

And if I shake
Break out in spots
Don't fret, it's not swine fever dear
Your swine has merely got the hots

If rosy lips invite me
Well, that's life
But just in case, you couldn't guess
I love my wife

My mind at times
May dwell on sex
If someone's rating dreams
Then most of mine I guess are double X

If rosy lips invite me
Well, that's life
But just in case, you couldn't guess
Or hadn't heard
Or didn't know
I love my wife
I love my wife
I love my wife