Tuesday, January 31, 2006

a hopeful america, a better way, or a healthy helping of horse manure? you make the call.

just finished watching the state of the union. here are a few observations:

i believe i just watched the president kiss governor kathleen blanco of louisiana. how can he be so cavalier? i hope he has had a recent tetanus booster.

the highlight of the event was when the camera was panning the audience and paused on john mccain.

speaking of the audience...what a bunch of duplicitous blow-hards. I can look at very few of these people without getting the immediate feeling that the said person is acting interested while secretly figuring new ways to screw me over.

I read that the president had his speech ready days before hand. it was set in stone and ready to go...no changes necessary. the pretense is that this administration is very organized and prepared. my impression is that this tactic displays the implacable nature of this president. "my course is set, and no external event can alter me from my chosen path." it is not encouraging to know that he won't be swayed be developing events.

oh yeah...he told us some of the same old news...received with thunderous applause. go figure.

the democratic response just finished. they're full of crap, too. thanks, but no thanks tim kaine.