Friday, March 17, 2006

tradition, your mama! tradition!

we just got home from a week's trip to walt disney world. i do mean "just" - as in 30 minutes ago. after so many months of writing on this thing, i can't believe i have yet to write about this obsession of ours. i'll have to remedy that at a later date.

for some reason, a trip to walt disney world results in my bringing home -essentially- the same souvenir: books.

the first year we went, i bought a beautiful 400-page sinatra biography written by frank's daughter, nancy. yes, she is the one with the laughing face. what it lacked in objectivity (alot), it gained in access (total.) i still love that book. and for 50 bucks it had better be prepared to be loved long time.

well, today i came home with the 30th anniversary edition of "the princess bride." i've seen it 100 times, but never read it. thank you epcot uk. my other acquisition is "ghosts of tsavo" by philip caputo. any self-respecting cast member in the harambe village of animal kingdom will know that these man-eating lions were the focus of the movie "the ghost and the darkness."

i still have yet to begin the crazy horse biography i picked up at wdw in december.

it's a strange tradition, but maybe no stranger than the next.