Tuesday, October 17, 2006

stick it in your ear

i saw another one today. it is happening more and more, and is quite disturbing to me. so, here i go:

look, unless you are personal assistant to lando calrissian and are participating in the carbon-freezing of han solo, or the subsequent liberation of princess leia and chewbacca; there is no reason for you to stick a hunk of electronic metal in your ear. i like the sci-fi channel too; but, wearing portions of your cyborg costume around town causes trekkies to stare.

are you afraid of the transmission rays from your cell phone being so close to your head? good idea, now your phone is IN your head. tired of holding that heavy phone up for those long calls? upgrade your technology, gordon gekko. need hands free? work on your dexterity. it's not that big of a deal. maybe you just need to be ready to get that all-important call as soon as possible. it only takes 2 seconds to reach in your pocket and answer, i bet you can get it before the second ring.

until i hear a good reason for this ridiculous piece of technological self-gratification, i will simply continue to think you look like an idiot.