Tuesday, April 25, 2006

innocent critters squashed on the highway of life

for the next three days, jackson and i are on our own. charlotte has gone to her annual texas librarian's association conference. the location of the conference changes each year. generally the rotation includes austin, san antonio, dallas, and this year's winner - houston. she always goes with the same three girls. norma, kay, and someone else. i can't remember the other lady's name.

so far, we have had a pretty uneventful start to the bachelorosity. jackson didn't want to go out to eat or go to the river. he wanted to go straight home. this kid is the biggest homebody. he just loves to be here. we have a lot of land on which to play, he has every toy ever made, and he loves to play with our dogs...come to think of it, there is no reason to go anywhere else. i on the other hand, get much too restless at home for too long of a period. he takes after his mother.

the highlight of the evening is going to be our watching "fandango." i first started watching "fandango" with neil and brian, a long time ago. i've seen it so many times that i couldn't possibly begin to estimate a number. of course, one of the priorities when jackson was born was to begin indoctrinating him into the ways of the groover. he loves it, and will even break out with a quote if the timing is appropriate. sometimes he will give charlotte a hard time by suggesting that they are going to watch this as their midnight movie. charlotte doesn't love it as much as we do and has even developed a mechanism that limits the number of times she can see it in a month before tiring of the movie. how unfortunate. she told me the other day that fandango isn't necessarily a "kid movie." what in the world is that supposed to mean? i mean other than the odd curse word, the rampant drinking, the repeated "moonings", and the nonvirtuous pursuit of women? i think she's being a little picky.

a couple of years ago, jackson and i took a camping trip to big bend national park. we had a fantastic time with david and drew. on the way home, j and i took a detour in order to visit some of the places where the filming of "fandango" took place. most of these places are in the near vicinity of the big bend, so we got them all done in one day. it was a good day, highlighted by our visit to the "dom" rock. one day, i'm sure we'll go again, maybe we'll save room for you in the car.