My teeth are mind blowin givin everybody chillz
jackson finally lost the first of his baby teeth. i can assure you that he has been waiting in anticipation for a long time. while some of his friends were losing teeth last year, he didn't even get to experience the slightest wiggle.
he had been wiggling this tooth around for a few weeks. each day he would have us come check it to see if it had gotten any looser since the day before. finally, one day at school, he went into the nurses office to let her know that he needed help extracting this tooth from his mouth. at first it was a little upsetting to me to hear that she pulled his tooth. then charlotte explained to me that the kids like to have a tooth pulled at school because the nurse gives the kids a special plastic receptacle shaped like a molar. the kids put their tooth in the box, and hang it around their necks for the rest of the day.
the only tooth i really can remember losing was one i lost on the front porch of grandma and grandpa's house. it had been loose for a long time, and was really only hanging on by a thread. i would twist it around and back all day long. it was a weird sensation because on one hand it really hurt. on the other hand, the pain felt good. maybe there's a deep-seated personality explanation in that statement. i was on the porch by myself, twisting my tooth around, when it suddenly let go and ended up outside of my mouth. i remember it bleeding alot, and i spit a good bit of blood in the grass. i also remember figuring i would lose it before i got home so i decided to just throw it away rather than try to get any money from it. i threw it in those big evergreen bushes in front of the front windows. in the event it is still there, is there a statute of limitations on tooth fairy money?
obviously, jackson put his tooth under his pillow. we weren't sure what the tooth fairy leaves these days, in terms of money. i figured 2 dollars was good enough for a bottom incisor. he sure thought so.
so begins the story of jackson's future jacked-up smile.